GoXPro Tutorial Videos

Fitness Business Essentials

Business Set-up, Client & Trainer Management, Payments, Direct Debits, 
Pay Now & Automated Invoices

Fitness Business Essentials

Setting-up your GoXPro 

Key Video Moments & Topics
Configuration: 0:37.
Allowing Subcontractors: 0:58.
Sharing Clients Between Coaches: 1:24.
Personalise Your Business Identity: 1:38.
Connecting Payment Systems 5:35.
Navigation To The Coaching App: 6:12. 

'M.A.D' Part 1 
(Management. Administration. Dashboard)

Key Video Moments & Topics
M.A.D Overview: 0:21
Club or Independent Coach Tab: 1:18.
Setting-up Products: 2:10.
Personalising Calendar Event Types: 2:43.
Payments & Accounting Systems: 3:28
Calendars & Scheduling: 4:00.
Team, Admin Roles & Deleting Coaches: 5:44.
Adding New Coaches: 6:35. 
Coaching Reports: 7:07.

'M.A.D' Part 2 
(Management. Administration. Dashboard)

Key Video Moments & Topics
Add & Manage Clients: 0:42.
Search Clients & Assign Coaches: 1:17.
Share Clients Between Trainers: 1:35.
Add Payment Provider to Client Profile: 1:47.
Direct Debits (D.D.): 2:50.
Suspending Client Payments: 4:41.
Payment Agreements: 5:16.
Refunding Client Payments: 7:08.
D.D. Invoice Add-ons: 7:27.
Billing Tab: 8:10.
Financial Reports: 8:30.
Invoice Runs Tab & Automatic D.D Invoices: 9:01.
Settlement Reports: 9:40.
Dashboard: 9:55.
Managing Your goXpro Subscription: 11:15. 

Scheduling & Adding New Clients (Coach's App)

Key Video Moments & Topics
Today Screen Overview: 0:50.
Client Files/Folders: 1:29.
Calendar & Scheduling: 2:29.
Client Status: 3:43.
Adding New Clients (in the Coach's App): 4.43.
Leads To Active Clients: 6:12. 

Tutorial Videos

Fitness Business Essentials

Business Set-up, Client & Trainer Management, Payments, Direct Debits, Pay Now & Automated Invoices

Setting-up your goXpro 

Key Video Moments & Topics
Configuration: 0:37.
Allowing Subcontractors: 0:58.
Sharing Clients Between Coaches: 1:24.
Personalise Your Business Identity: 1:38.
Connecting Payment Systems 5:35.
Navigation To The Coaching App: 6:12. 

'M.A.D' Part 1 
(Management. Administration. Dashboard)

Key Video Moments & Topics
M.A.D Overview: 0:21
Club or Independent Coach Tab: 1:18.
Setting-up Products: 2:10.
Personalising Calendar Event Types: 2:43.
Payments & Accounting Systems: 3:28
Calendars & Scheduling: 4:00.
Team, Admin Roles & Deleting Coaches: 5:44.
Adding New Coaches: 6:35. 
Coaching Reports: 7:07.

'M.A.D' Part 2 
(Management. Administration. Dashboard)

Key Video Moments & Topics
Add & Manage Clients: 0:42
Search Clients & Assign Coaches: 1:17.
Share Clients Between Trainers: 1:35.
Add Payment Provider to Client Profile: 1:47
Direct Debits (D.D.): 2:50.
Suspending Client Payments: 4:41.
Payment Agreements: 5:16.
Refunding Client Payments: 7:08.
D.D. Invoice Add-ons: 7:27.
Billing Tab: 8:10.
Financial Reports: 8:30.
Invoice Runs Tab & Automatic D.D Invoices: 9:01.
Settlement Reports: 9:40.
Dashboard: 9:55.
Managing Your goXpro Subscription: 11:15. 

Scheduling & Adding New Clients (Coach's App)

Key Video Moments & Topics
Today Screen Overview: 0:50.
Client Files/Folders: 1:29.
Calendar & Scheduling: 2:29.
Client Status: 3:43.
Adding New Clients (in the Coach's App): 4.43.
Leads To Active Clients: 6:12. 

Hybrid Coaching - Program Builder

Exercise pre-screening, Semi-Private & 1-on-1 sessions

Pre-Exercise Screening
Questionnaire & Goal Setting

Key Video Moments & Topics
Starting a Questionnaire: 0:41.
Goal Detecting: 4.06.  

Note: Clients can complete a pre-exercise 
screening questionnaire remotely, on any device. Simply click the 'Options' menu on the top right and click 'Send'.  

Modify Sessions & Programs On the FLY 

Manage Programs: 
Share-Copy-Save as Template-Delete 


Key Video Moments & Topics
Getting Started: 0:30.
Building Programs From Templates: 0:49.
Program Overview: 1:25.
Supersets: 2:48.
Removing & Replacing Exercises: 3:27.
Re-sequencing Exercises: 4:16. 
Building New Programs: 5:30.
Exercise Library Types: 6:00.
Ex. Library 1, Muscle Groups: 6:06.
Ex. Library 2, Functional Movement Patterns & Equipment Type: 7:40.
Copy A Program: 10:44.
Programs: Save As Template, 11:18.
Digital In-club Coaching: 11:45.
Solo Sessions & Remote Coaching: 12.27.
Invite A Client To the MyCoach Client App 
+ Share/Unshare Programs: 12:44
Simulating The Client Facing App: 13:15.
Tracking Client Exercise Progression: 14:05.


Key Video Moments & Topics
Getting Started: 0:30.
Building Programs From Templates: 0:49.
Program Overview: 1:25.
Supersets: 2:48.
Removing & Replacing Exercises: 3:27.
Re-sequencing Exercises: 4:16. 
Building New Programs: 5:30.
Exercise Library Types: 6:00.
Ex. Library 1, Muscle Groups: 6:06.
Ex. Library 2, Functional Movement Patterns & Equipment Type: 7:40.
Copy A Program: 10:44.
Programs: Save As Template, 11:18.
Digital In-club Coaching: 11:45.
Solo Sessions & Remote Coaching: 12.27.
Invite A Client To the MyCoach Client App 
+ Share/Unshare Programs: 12:44
Simulating The Client Facing App: 13:15.
Tracking Client Exercise Progression: 14:05.

Two views of a full program displayed in the phone version of the coach's app (iOS & Android)

Two views of a full program displayed in the phone version of the coach's app (iOS & Android)

Structuring Personalised Strength & Cardio Programs (Muscle Groups Exercise Library)

Key Video Moments & Topics
Creating A New Program: 0:10.
Queuing Exercises: 0:29.
Exercise Search: 1:10.
Supersets: 1:47.
Adding PT Kick-box Combos: 2:48.
Adding Stretches: 3:11. 
Re-ordering Exercises: 3.24.
Sharing The Program With Your Client: 3:37.
The MyCoach Client App Simulator: 3:46.

Key Video Moments & Topics
Creating A New Program: 0:10.
Queuing Exercises: 0:29.
Exercise Search: 1:10.
Supersets: 1:47.
Adding PT Kick-box Combos: 2:48.
Adding Stretches: 3:11. 
Re-ordering Exercises: 3.24.
Sharing The Program With Your Client: 3:37
The MyCoach Client App Simulator: 3:46

Intuitive Programming
Shown on a tablet and phone (iOS & Android)  
Functional Movement Patterns Library

1-on-1 Coaching Sessions

Key Video Moments & Topics
Scheduling Sessions: 0:34.
Start Session: 1:30.
Session In Action: 2:02.
Warm-up: 2:25.
Resistance Training: 3:02.
MyCoach Simulator & Print Program: 4:06. 
Session Summary: 4.23.

 Time Saving Program Templates

Share cardio programs with clients in their 'MyCoach' client app 

Share cardio programs with clients
in their MyCoach client app 

Share instructed virtual classes 
with your clients in their MyCoach client app

Deleting & Reactivating Clients

Key Video Moments & Topics
Introduction: 0:00.
Activating 'Delete Client Function' (Coach's app): 0:32.
Reactivating Deleted Clients: 1:03.

Adding Your Own Exercises

Key Video Moments & Topics
Add Exercise (Video): 0:50.
Accessing Your Added Exercises: 2:31.
Add Exercise (Sequenced Images): 1:03.
Delete An Added Exercise: 4:26.

Trigger Point Maps

Key Video Moments & Topics
Trigger Points - Definition: 1:10.
How The Trigger Point Finder Works: 2:27.

Note: You no longer need to download a third party app like Puffin or Dolphin Web Browser to use the trigger point maps. Simply click on the Trigger Points link in your coach's app.

Trigger Points Map displayed in the phone version of the coach's app (iOS & Android)

Trigger Points Map displayed in the phone version of the coach's app (iOS & Android)

Technology Tools that Map to your Client's Fitness Journey

MyCoach - Client App

Solo-sessions, Assessment Results, Progress Sharing, Selfie Corner, Class Bookings

MyCoach Client/Member's App

Share Programs & Workouts plus loads more
with the MyCoach Client App (iOS & Android)

MyCoach Client & Member's App

Share Programs & Workouts 
And More with the MyCoach Client App 
(iOS & Android)

MyCoach Features

My Programs & Workouts

Solo sessions following a program or workout supplied shared by the coach

My Bookings

See all PT and class bookings.
Start virtual (online) sessions


Display classes and available class numbers. Members can book and manage 
their class bookings 

My Coach

Clients can learn more about their coach 
in this video presentation. 
Upload the video presentation from the 'Settings' page in the coaching app.

My Assessments 

Clients can access their Health, Fitness and Postural Evaluation Reports to check and share their results.

My Questionnaires

See all your questionnaires

Selfie Corner 

Keep clients on track and drive additional engagement with this dedicated feature 
for creating and sharing selfies. 

My Purchases 

Coming soon: Purchase memberships & sessions

Downloading the MyCoach Free Client App 

Available in the App Store and on Google Play

Three ways to digitally invite your client 
to download MyCoach:

1. From the client profile page in your coach's app, 
click the 'Invite' button.

2. From the client profile page in the M.A.D 
click the 'Invite' button.

3. From the 'Programs' tab in your coach's app, simply share a program with the client. You do this by clicking on the 'Options' menu at the top right of the page and choosing 'Share With Client'. To unshare a program, simply click 'Unshare With Client' in the same menu. 

Hybrid Coaching

Hybrid Coaching

In-club & Remotely

Key Video Moments & Topics
Adding New Clients (Coaching App): 0:00.
Fast Track Your Program Building: 0:31.
Share Programs To The MyCoach Client App: 1:20.
Simulating The MyCoach Client App: 1:39.
Track Client Coached & Solo Sessions: 1:12.

Social Media Results Sharing 

What’s better than free 3rd party marketing? 

How it works

For every exercise in your client’s program that has a weight or a duration, a progression graph tracks progress. 

Social Media Sharing

In a solo session in the MyCoach App, your client simply clicks on the graph icon at the bottom of the page. 
 They can then choose to share a progression results graph for their solo sessions, coached sessions or a combination of both.
 They can also share their  'All Time Best' result for a chosen exercise (shown above). 

Free 3rd Party Marketing

Once the graph is shared by your client (FB, Insta, LinkedIn etc), your logo and the coach's name will appear 
on the graph. The more often your clients share their resultsthe more often people see your brand!

What's Selfie Corner?

Selfie Corner is a feature in the MyCoach client app that allows clients and members to take, upload, 
edit and format before and after photos or selfies, they can even add text to their photos. 

Social Media Sharing

In only a few clicks your clients can share their selfies to their preferred social media account (FB, Insta, LinkedIn etc).  

Free 3rd Party Marketing

Once the image is shared to social media, your business logo will automatically appear 
on the post. The more often your clients share their selfiesthe more often people see your brand!

How it works

Click on each image to zoom

Click on each image to zoom

Hybrid Coaching - Workouts Builder


Workouts Builder

At goXpro we've created two styles of training plan builders:
1. Program Builder 

Ideal for creating 100% Individualised Training Plans (Programs), 
in which the weights, reps, sets etc. are recorded and client progress is tracked.  

2. Workouts Builder

 This training plan builder is perfect for creating pure Circuit StyleEMOM, AMRAP, HIIT and LIIT workouts for your small group, semi-private or 1-1 clients.

Where can 'Workouts' be used?

Just like 'Programs', 'Workouts' are available via the Coach's App or MyCoach Client App.
 Accessible on multiple devices (phones, tablets & computers), use them in-club, online or during client solo sessions.

Workouts Builder Tutorial

Workouts Builder Tutorial

Key Video Moments & Topics
My workout templates - 0:05.
What types of workouts can I build?: 0:16.
How to build a HIIT workout: 0:26.
Adding exercises to a workout: 1.05.
Setting up: Time per station, Number of rounds, Rest between rounds, Go to next station duration and Time between workout phases (sections): 2.20.
Previewing your workout:  3.35.
Total workout time (duration): 4.27.
Drag & drop to modify exercises in a section, move entire sections in the workout or remove exercises: 4.38.
Finding my workout template once it's built: 4.58.
Sharing a pre-build workout with a client: 5.06.
Simulating the client app: 5.28.
Where do I see the client's solo-session feedback?: 6.08.

Client Assessments

Static Postural Assessments, Movement Screens, Biomechanics Testing, Client Reports, 
Do's & Don'ts of training clients with contra-indications to exercise  

Discover Client Assessments

Key Video Moments & Topics
Creating Evaluations: 0:00.
General Tab: 0:29.
Body Composition Tab: 0.38.
Assess Tab & Built-in Stop Watch: 0:53.
Generating Evaluation Reports: 1:09.

Assessing Static Posture (before & after)
Coach's app phone version (iOS or Android)

Evaluate & Track 
Body Composition & Measurements

Measuring Body Composition
Coach's App phone version (iOS or Android)

Assessing Static Posture

Key Video Moments & Topics
Static Posture Front View: 0:03.
Rotating & Removing Photos: 0:08.
Leveling Posture Photos: 0:16.
Annotating Front View Posture: 0:49.
Static Posture Side View: 2:42.
Static Posture Back View: 5:00.
Static Postural Observations Summary: 7:19

Static Posture Types
Coach's App phone version (iOS or Android)

Static Posture Client Set-up Summary 

Key Video Moments & Topics
Static Postural Observations Summary: 0:05.
Tip For Phone & Tablet Users: 0:33.

Assessing Dynamic Posture 
'Single leg Squat Test'

Key Video Moments & Topics
Right hip drop with hip rotation: 0:09.
Right hip drop, left knee valgus (in), left foot pronation: 0:18.
Evaluations page for entering your observations: 0:33

Do's & Don'ts of Personal Training for clients 
with Contraindications to Exercise 

Key Video Moments & Topics
Introduction: 0:00.
Resource Library: 0:49.
Lumbar Spine Pathologies: 0:55.
Exercise Progressions: 0:49.

The Do's & don'ts in the coachs app 
(iOS et Android)

Free On-demand Trainer up-skilling

Fast-tracking Assessment Skills

E-Learning Portal

Learn more and fast-track 
your Posture & Biomechanics Assessing Skills

E-Learning Portal

 Learn more and fast-track 
your Posture & Biomechanics Assessing Skills.  

Free on-demand content to help you 
assess and coach like a pro.

Simply A Better Way To Coach
Simply A Better Way To Coach

Free video to add to your website 

Add this video to your website to promote your services and point of difference.

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<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/459807155" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Direct video link

Need the video modified? 
e. jason.thomas@goxpro.com

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